Lionas village

Remote and quaint, ideal for diving and fishing in the quiet

Lionas village (Villages on the map): Here you can see its location on the map as well as the location of the most important nearby tourist attractions. Each point on the map is clickable and carries a photo, a short description and a relative link. Use this map to make your plans (read more).

What's nearby

Due to its distance, is is best if you start your trip to Lionas early in the morning. That will also give you the opportunity to visit most of the wonderful villages you will come accross within the same day. These villages are Kinidaros, Moni, Sifones, Keramoti and Koronos.

All Naxos beaches on the map

Interactive map of Naxos island
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Top Naxos Beaches Photos

The best beaches of Naxos friends have selected the most wonderful photos of Naxos beaches. Have fun ...